CrossOver Scarf 織暖小頸巾+ 3000mAh ultra slim power bank - Cotton TENCEL (Color: Brown)


  • $980.00

Revolutionized warmth with technology & comfort

With KnitWarm technology, you can enjoy the intelligent warmth on your neck with only a small scarf.  You are able to carry this small scarf in your hand bag any time. The CrossOver Scarf offers warmth and comfort like a toasty neck warmer in chilled weather.

Two small pockets under the left side of the scarf are for slipping in the battery and control. Fold the scarf horizontally in half and put the warmer part close to your neck. Secure the scarf by feeding the other ends through the tunnel where the small pockets are located.

  • Flexible and Durable: Stays effective even when folded or twisted, built for long-lasting use. 
  • Integrated Design: Dual pockets for power bank and control, plus a tunnel for a secure fit.
  • Heat Conductive Smart Textile: Delivers adjustable, comfortable neck warmth without the bulk
  • Sustainability: Made from natural fibers and silver coated yarn, ensuring zero waste and antibacterial benefits.

Dimensions: 29cm x 8cm x 0.7cm
Material: 49% Cotton, 22% Polyamide, 21% Modal, 8% Spandex
Cotton / TENCEL™ Modal blended
3000mAh ultra slim power bank
5 adjustable heat-setting level
Maintain constant temperature
15/30/60 mins timer
Mobile app controllable; connected up to 6 KnitWarm products
Invented, designed and made in Hong Kong.


  • Red Dot Award: Product Design 2023 - Red Dot Award (Innovative Product)
  • German Design Awards 2023 - Special Mention (Excellent Product Design - Lifestyle and Fashion)
  • A’ Design Award & Competition 2023 - Winner (A' Fashion and Travel Accessories)
  • International Design Excellence Awards 2023 - Featured Finalist (Lifestyle & Accessories)
  • Asia Design Prize 2023 - Winner (Industrial Design)
  • K-Design Award 2023 - Winner (Industrial Design - Fashion / lifestyle and accessories)
  • Muse Design Awards 2023 - Gold Winner (Fashion Design - Scarves)
  • Better Future Award Programs Asian Design Awards 2023- Gold Award (Fashion - Activewear)
  • Better Future Award Programs Hong Kong Design Awards 2023- Silver Award
  • US Chicago Athenaeum's GOOD DESIGN Award 2022
  • European Product Design Awards 2022 - Winner (Lifestyle And Travel)
  • International Design Awards 2022 - Honorable Mention (Accessories)
  • HK Smart Design Award 2021 - Bronze Award (Personal Accessories)
  • HKAI 2021-22: Consumer Product Design – Certificate of Merit

*KnitWarm is committed  to  continuously improving their products to ensure the best in both performance and aesthetics. Please note that the actual product may vary slightly from what is  shown  in  the  photographs due to their ongoing efforts to enhance its quality.




  • 柔軟耐用: 即使折叠或擠壓,仍保持效能,爲長期使用而設計
  • 一體化設計: 雙口袋可容納電源與控制器,並設有通道以確保穩固佩戴
  • 布料升温技術: 輕盈無負擔,提供頸部舒適個人化温暖,隨手掌控
  • 可持續性: 使用天然纖維和鍍銀紗線,達到零浪費並提供抗菌效果


尺寸: 29cm x 8cm x 0.7cm

物料: 49% Cotton, 22% Polyamide, 21% Modal, 8% Spandex



線控 / 手機應用程式(可同時連接六件產品)

 5段溫度調節 / 恆溫記憶





  • 2023年紅點產品設計大獎 「紅點獎」(創新產品)
  • 2023年德國設計大獎 「特別獎」(卓越產品設計 - 生活與時尚)
  • 2023年意大利A'設計大獎賽 - 優勝者(時尚與旅遊)
  • 2023IDEA國際傑出設計大獎「入圍優秀獎」(生活時尚與配飾)
  • 2023年亞洲設計大獎 - 優勝者(產品設計)
  • 2023K設計大獎 - 優勝者 (產品設計 - 時尚 / 生活用品與配飾)
  • 2023年美國謬思設計大獎「金獎」(時裝設計:頸巾)
  • 2023年全球性設計社群Better Future-亞洲設計大獎「金獎」(時尚-運動裝)
  • 2023年全球性設計社群Better Future-香港設計大獎「銀獎」(個人用品)
  • 2022年美國芝加哥雅典娜優良設計大獎
  • 2022年歐洲產品設計大獎(生活時尚及旅遊)
  • 2022年美國IDA國際設計大獎「榮譽獎」(配飾)
  • 2021年香港智營設計大賞「銅獎」(個人配襯禮品)
  • 2021-22年香港工商業獎:消費產品設計優異證書



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