POP-UP Greeting Card (HK Culture Series) - HK Junk | 紙藝立體賀卡(香港文化系列) - 香港帆船


  • $48.00

Hong Kong's culture is very distinctive. POSTalk POP-UP Greeting Card is a paper sculpture art which illustrates a perfect combination of the beauty of traditional Chinese paper craftsmanship and Hong Kong local cultural elements.

Bringing our POSTalk POP-UP Greeting Card home is like sharing Hong Kong culture with your families.

Duckling Junk

Hundred years ago, Hong Kong was a fishing village. Local fishermen were using this kind of junk to go fishing.  Now this typical junk represents Hong Kong!

香港文化非常富有特色,POSTalk 立體賀卡以傳統剪紙為基礎,融入香港文化元素,呈現出精緻獨特的紙雕藝術。




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