POP-UP Greeting Card (HK Culture Series) - HK Sampan | 紙藝立體賀卡(香港文化系列) - 香港舢舨


  • $48.00

Hong Kong's culture is very distinctive. POSTalk POP-UP Greeting Card is a paper sculpture art which illustrates a perfect combination of the beauty of traditional Chinese paper craftsmanship and Hong Kong local cultural elements.

Bringing our POSTalk POP-UP Greeting Card home is like sharing Hong Kong culture with your families.

Hong Kong Sampan

Sampan is an old-fashioned water transport made of wood.  The word "sampan" literally means "three planks" correlated to the flat bottom plank with another two planks joint at the hull sides.  Although being mostly replaced by motor boats or ferry, they are still used in Hong Kong nowadays for transporting passengers between the pier to larger vessels.

香港文化非常富有特色,POSTalk 立體賀卡以傳統剪紙為基礎,融入香港文化元素,呈現出精緻獨特的紙雕藝術。




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