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Shall We Dance
ditto ditto
Smell of Love
To Have & To Hold
A Pair
True Love
Flying Balloons
My Cup of Tea
Letterpress Postcard - Kowloon Walled City | 活版印刷明信片- 九龍城寨
Aoto Letterpress
Letterpress Postcard - HK Old General Post Office | 活版印刷明信片-香港舊郵政總局
Letterpress Postcard - Blake Pier | 活版印刷明信片-卜公碼頭
Letterpress Postcard - King of Kowloon | 活版印刷明信片-九龍皇帝
Letterpress Postcard - Statue Square in Hong Kong in the early 20th century | 活版印刷明信片-香港二十世紀初期的皇后像廣場
wordsmith“” - happy birthday!
Postcard - 雲上太陽
Dear Abba 親愛的阿爸
Postcard - Gold Foil: Moon
Oval Greeting Card - Sun・Moon | 橢圓形心意卡 - 晝夜星辰
About These Days
Oval Greeting Card - Precious beyond measure (Turquoise) | 橢圓形心意卡 - 無價之寶 (湖綠)
Oval Greeting Card - Precious beyond measure (Navy) | 橢圓形心意卡 - 無價之寶 (深藍)
Oval Greeting Card - Watered | 橢圓形心意卡 - 甘霖嬌花
Oval Greeting Card - Apple of my eye | 橢圓形心意卡 - 眼中瞳人
Folded Card - You'll be Missed
Kailee Illustration
Folded Card - Happy Birthday
Folded Card - Happy Wedding
Folded Card - My Pleasure