Hanji Notebook

韓紙的價值和優點有著深厚的根基,現在通過 OROM 與首爾頂級設計公司 KHJ 的合作,它們正被帶回現今生活當中,接觸更廣泛的客人層面。

KHJ 的負責人 Kim Hyunjoo 與韓紙工作多年,不斷將其定位於當代世界:「 人手製作韓紙筆記本是為了提供良好的寫作體驗及多用性,我們希望人們在筆記本上創作的文字和故事點滴能夠於韓紙傳統一同延續。 」


The values and merits of Hanji have deep roots, and now these have been brought back to life and for a new and wider audience by a collaboration between OROM and leading Seoul design company KHJ.

Kim Hyunjoo, the principal of KHJ, has worked for years with Hanji, constantly positioning it in the contemporary world.  "The collection of handmade Hanji notebooks were created with good writing experience and usability in mind.  We hope the words and stories people make in their notebooks last as long as the tradition itself."

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