Torus Tea Infuser


  • Regular price $168.00 Sale price $98.00

Torus is a donut-shaped tea infuser. The moveable tube allows it to clip on a cup rim or twists into an S-shape to hang to a taller cup easily. Just fill with loose tea leaves, hang on a cup and let it brew.

Winner of Good Design Award from Japan

Dimension: 80 x 22 mm
Materials: 304 Stainless Steel, Silicone

Torus 泡茶器以冬甩的形狀為設計概念。其獨特設計的金屬部份,可隨意扭動,讓泡茶器像一個圓環般,輕鬆地掛在杯邊,如遇高身的杯子,環狀的泡茶器亦可扭動成S形狀,鈎在杯邊上。只需簡單地把茶葉放在金屬茶格內,即可泡茶。


尺寸: 80 × 22 mm
物料: 304 不鏽鋼、食品級安全矽膠

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