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PET 膠帶 / the Four Seasons of Fujikuma-san 富士熊先生的四季
Haru and Furi
Paper Tape/ Autumn Tiger Daily Paper Tape 紙膠帶 / 秋老虎日常紙膠帶
Summer Beach Days / Falling Autumn Washi Masking Tape 夏日海灘 / 秋之風景和紙膠帶 (2.5cm x 10m)
紙膠帶 / 喫茶店
Washi Masking Tape - The Peaceful Mocha Time of Haru and Furi 和紙膠帶 - Haru Furi 的友好摩卡時光 (2cm x 10m)
Daily Life of Haru / Furi Washi Masking Tape Haru/Furi 日常和紙膠帶 (1.5cm x 10m)