1.618φ Metal Paperclip / Bookmark Set

Yuan Design Studio

  • $158.00

1.618 φ Beauty Unearthed - The Golden Ratio Paperclip

The gold ratio of φ 1.618 is a very classical mathematical constant. Since ancient times, it was used as a measurement of beauty. We can find traces of it from Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the Eiffel Tower, the Nautilus shells, the spiral galaxies of the universe; it also exists in art, architecture, design, nature, and even in our daily lives e.g. the leaf arrangements of roadside plants!

The 1.618 Golden Ratio Paperclip is not just a small piece of stationery, it also reminds us to appreciate the beauty of the nature and the artistic value of classic architecture and art, despite the busyness of our daily lives.

  • Light and handy, not only as a bookmark, but also as an aesthetic aid, just as the camera's grid line in the three-point composition of the shot
  • A set of three shapes: triangle, circle and rectangle
  • 2 materials to choose from:
    • Stainless steel with a matte black coating; and
    • Brass with a glossy white coating which will form a unique blend with the gradually revealed yellow brass color as times goes by

    黃金比例φ 1.618 是十分經典的數學常數。自古以來已被視為美的代名詞。我們能從達文西的維特魯威人、艾菲爾鐵塔、鸚鵡螺貝殼、宇宙中的螺旋星系發現它的蹤跡。它也存在於藝術、建築、設計、自然,甚至我們的日常生活中,例如路邊植物的葉序就是了!

    1.618 黃金比例迴紋針不僅是文具小物,它更提醒我們別忘了在急速的生活中,要記得欣賞大自然的巧奪天工,以及經典建築和藝術中的美學價值。

    • 非常輕巧且便於攜帶,不僅能作為書籤,也能成為審美的輔助工具,就如相機的網格線協助拍攝三分法構圖一般
    • 一套有三種不同的形狀: 黃金三角、圓形和矩形
    • 2種對比顏色供你選擇:
      • 不鏽鋼製成的噴沙霧面亞黑款; 或
      • 以黃銅製成的亮面純白款。亮面白款的塗層經時間的洗禮,逐漸露出裡頭優雅的黃銅色,白黃交錯的顏色交織出一種巧妙的美感。

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