Little Half Desk Calendar 2025 - Beautiful Patterns | 小半座枱月曆 2025 - 美麗的紋路

小半 Little Half

  • $108.00

當我們細心觀察, 不難發現到處都有美麗的紋路和規律: 葉子的紋路、花瓣的分佈、臉上的皺紋、拍打着的浪潮、螢火蟲發光的频率......都讓我們不禁驚嘆生命的美麗和奇妙。

我們也可以創造美好的規律, 例如建立健康的生活習慣;也可以終止不好的規律, 例如脱離不健康的思想模式。



When we observe carefully, it's not difficult to find beautiful patterns and rhythms everywhere: the veins in a leaf, the arrangement of petals in a flower, the wrinkles on a face, the crashing waves, the glowing frequency of fireflies......All of these make us marvel at the beauty and wonder of life.

We can also create wonderful patterns, such as leading a healthy lifestyle; likewise, we can terminate bad patterns, such as breaking away from unhealthy thought patterns.

However, when it comes to the encounters in our lives, they do not always follow the "patterns" we desire in our hearts.

However, when it comes to the encounters in our lives, they do not always follow the "patterns" we desire in our hearts.

In the year 2025, whether on days of joy or sadness, may we remember to occasionally pause and appreciate the beautiful patterns that surround us. May we also remember that we are still living within the "patterns" that our almighty and loving Creator has woven beautifully.

特色 Features:
o 包含12 幅插畫 Includes 12 illustrations
o 聖經金句 Bible verses
o 含香港公眾假期及中國農曆 Include HK public holidays and lunar calenars

材質/ 媒介 Materials:

250g 進口書咭,共14張紙,雙面彩色印刷

250g imported card paper, 14 papers in total, double-sided colour printing

尺寸 Size

月曆 Calendar:23cm X 17cm

月曆格仔 Calendar Grid:2.31cm X 2.22cm

重量 Weight:240g


Little Half 小半

Little Half is a little fat and shy girl with a round face.

She used to be a girl with low self-esteem, but gradually became assertive through learning from different struggles and experiences in her growth.

She is small, innocent and far from perfect. Yet, people are touched by her courage to embrace her own imperfection and the way she faces challenges even with her fear.

Little Half is actually a real life story of her creator, Kathy Chan. Kathy released her inner fear through drawing “Little Half”.  She wishes to spread the courage of accepting and being our true selves to every child and grown-up by her illustrations, products and life story sharing.



小半是她的創作人Kathy Chan真實的生命故事。Kathy在繪畫「小半」的過程中慢慢釋放了內心的恐懼。她很想透過不同的載體,或是插畫、或是產品,或是生命故事分享,鼓勵孩子和成人接納自己本相和做回真正的自己。

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