生氣記錄本 A FOR ANGRY!!

Someday Stationery

  • $65.00

Somdeay Stationery: Study Book Series - A For Angry!

Anger is one of the powerful weapons!!! Record down all people or events that make you angry.  

However, do hope that you will one day find these "angry" items do not worth you to hurt yourselves or others.  If so, tear the page out and throw it away.  Forgive is to forget!!!  

有朝一日 : 研習本 系列 ( 生氣記錄本又名.... 小氣本)

十大武器之首?!!!! 記錄一切得罪您的人和事!!!!!


然而,希望你會有一日發覺這些令你「生氣」的事情,其實不值得你去傷害自己或其他人。如果是這樣的話,就將相關的一頁撕掉並將它丟掉吧!!!  寛恕並既往不咎吧!!!

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