Kodomo Nyanko Bath Ball 3 (Green Tea Favor) | Kodomo Nyanko 貓咪好朋友沐浴球 3 (綠茶味)
Each bath ball contains a cute Kodomo Nyanko mascot, a total of 7 (including a secret version), which are randomly shipped and for you to discover.
Put the bath ball into the water, and after it melts, the cute mascot will surface! Fragrance: Green Tea
* Children under 12 years old must use this product under adult supervision
每顆沐浴球都內含1個可愛Kodomo Nyanko公仔,共7款(含隱藏版公仔),採隨機出貨,就讓我們一起收集吧!
將入浴球放入水中,等溶化後可愛公仔就會浮出水面喔! 香味:綠茶味