Healing Voices Children’s Music Animation Songs 曉樂音樂動畫兒歌集

Healing Voices

  • $88.00

Includes 10 Healing Voices original children Cantonese songs with different themes, e.g. 地鐵紅色線、馬路上、我見到隻小動物, allowing teacher or parents to lead the children to sing the songs live.

Each song is attached with a QR code, directly leads user to the animation on YouTube

Comes with Melody and Chords score

📺Watch Healing Voices’ children songs YouTube channel:



集齊10首Healing Voices 不同主題的原創廣東話兒歌,包括最受歡迎兒歌:地鐵紅色線、馬路上、我見到隻小動物,讓家長或老師更能以現場音樂帶領小朋友唱歌

每一首樂譜上都有QR code,一掃QR code 即可觀看及收聽YouTube音樂動畫


📺立即收看Healing Voices兒歌YouTube channel:


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