Hexagonal Ruler 2.0 六角多功能尺 2.0

Yuan Design Studio

  • $638.00

Hexagonal Ruler first launched on Kickstarter at 2017, and after reviewing customers' comments and with designer’s new ideas in these 3 years, here comes the Hexagonal Ruler 2.0.

Compare to traditional rulers, hexagon allows more functions to be built on. Apart from that, users can easily put them in pocket and use instantly owing to the special shape of hexagon.

The new Hexagonal Ruler 2.0 set is combining all functions into 3 rulers instead of 4, which means Less Rulers but More Functions. Moreover, the redesigned Leather Case is able to carry all 3 rulers, with better portability and convenience.

Each Hexagonal Ruler is only 72x62mm with diverse functions like compass, protractor and template ruler. 

Functions & Details of each Hexagonal Ruler:

Point Ruler - Protractor/ Circle 5mm - 120mm in diameter/ Spirograph pattern/ Straightedge

Polygon Ruler - Protractor/ three to twenty-sided Polygon with 1 - 3 cm side length/ Straightedge/ Line in 0.75mm-2.5mm

Curve Ruler - Protractor/ Corner rounder 5mm - 50mm in diameter/ Circle 1mm-4.5mm in diameter/ 12 & 24 hour watch design

- Precise etching presents on Stainless Steel to form the ‘Hexagonal Ruler’

- Matte black and white painted graduations marked on Electroplated Stainless Steel, presenting a classic look yet durable.

Hexagonal Ruler於 2017 年首次在 Kickstarter 上推出; 在這3年裡,綜合了客戶的意見和設計師的新想法,終於推出了2.0版本。


六角形繪圖尺 2.0 從原有的4款繪圖尺組合成 3 款,而且還加強了不同的功能,這意味著更少的尺子,但更多的功能。 此外,重新設計的皮套讓您可收納全部尺子,並增加了隱藏式磁性設計,以便更好地隨身攜帶您的繪圖尺。

一套3款的六角形繪圖尺,每款只有 72x62 毫米,具有圓尺、量角器和模板尺等多種功能。


Point 點尺 - 量角器/圓直徑 5mm - 120mm/模板尺/直尺, 可透過特別設計的一點一點的洞洞,畫出螺旋形等複雜的圖案

Polygon 多邊形尺 - 量角器/邊長為 1-3 厘米的三到二十邊多邊形/直尺/0.75mm-2.5mm 的線

Curve 曲尺 - 量角器/圓角器直徑 5 毫米 - 50 毫米/圓形直徑 1 毫米-4.5 毫米/ 12 和 24 小時手錶設計


精密的蝕刻工藝呈現在六角形的不銹鋼物料上,配上經典耐看的電鍍啞黑處理及白色塗漆刻標。 這鮮明的黑白對比使您創作時更得心應手,在紙上下筆毫不模糊。



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