A6 Hong Kong Local Shop Postcard - Sha Tin | A6 香港小店明信片 - 沙田
📍 建於1975年的瀝源邨是沙田首個公共屋邨。基於當時龐大的住屋需求,普遍的單位都只有300呎以下(相等於兩個車位),卻要提供多達7人的家庭居住。於是當時建築師便以大量的零售樓面、街市攤檔和休憩平台去填補居民生活面積細小的不足,藉此鼓勵居民善用公共空間。 這種樓上居所,樓下商鋪的設計,不但可滿足居民的日常需要,亦能建立更緊密的鄰里關係,在今時今日的新屋邨早已買少見少。隨著許多老店的結業,這些成為昔日居民閒話家常的社交空間亦將慢慢消失。
📍Lik Yuen Estate, Sha Tin - Local storefront in the neighbourhood
Size : 105 x148 mm
Paper : 350 gsm drawing paper
Who's Paper with Pen?
Michael of Paper with Pen was born and raised in Hong Kong, currently working in the architectural field in London. He has a deep passion in urban sketching from cityscape of downtown alleyways to local corner shops. "Recording our urban environment
through art is not only crucial to the creation of inhabitable space in a city, it also represents our sense of identity of a place."
Michael of Paper with Pen 是一個香港土生土長,正於英國工作的建築設計師,對於城市的建築和人文風景有濃厚的興趣。他希望透過日常的繪畫,記錄我們身邊眾多轉瞬即逝
的平凡街景, 並從此探討城市多變的面貌。