A6 Table Talk Postcard - Hot Milk Tea Dine-in 熱奶茶堂食


  • $25.00

When we are waiting for the meal in a restaurant in Hong Kong, drinks or sauces must be the first to arrive on the table. It's like a force of habit that we start to rinse the tableware or stab the lemon slices in a refreshing ice tea. These small daily objects are playing the unique plots that we are too familiar to notice. SketcherSid decided to do them a portrait on his mobile, to record the greetings he received from a small table talk.

當我們在香港餐廳享受當地美食,不論茶樓點心還是雙拼燒味,茶水或醬料一定會先出現在面前。等待上餐的這一刻,大家習慣沖洗碗筷,或是篤檸檬片。這些潛意識的細微動作已成為我們生活中的條件反射。而SketcherSid用手提電話將這獨有的茶餐廳情節記錄低,與眼前的杯碟碗筷對話,似是一場互相寒暄的「Table Talk

Size尺寸 : A6 (105 x148 mm)

Paper 紙質 : 320gsm textured paper 

Who's SketcherSid?

Sidney (SketcherSid) is a Hong Kong-based landscape designer, urban sketcher and illustrator. He does sketches everywhere, anytime, by any means. Finger sketch on mobile is one of his favorite ways of portraying the city. He enjoy urban sketching and the process of it that takes him into the story behind. Let's discover more about the unique Hong Kong through his sketching!

Sidney (SketcherSid) 是一名園境設計師/城市速寫畫家。平时的他無所不畫,無時不畫。在記錄香港城市文化的創作中,擅長用手在手提电话上捕捉平凡日常中的不平凡。他享受在每一筆記錄的過程中,切身觀察及了解這座城市的人與物。就讓我們透過他的畫像發現更多的香港故事。

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