Koma Tea Infuser


  • Regular price $128.00 Sale price $78.00

Koma is a tea infuser designed to stand or casually lean inside a cup. Just flip the cover up, fill with loose tea leaves and drop it into your cup of tea. While Koma is doing the job, you can use it to stir honey or or sugar in your tea. Thanks to the wide stainless steel compartment, it is ideal to brew blossom tea.

Dimension: 125 x 50 mm
Materials: 304 Stainless Steel, Silicone


Koma 棒棒泡茶器是多用途設計。除了泡茶以外,因其攪拌匙的外形,可作調拌杯中的蜜糖或糖粒之用。只需簡單地把金屬茶格蓋打開,放入茶葉,因弧形底部特意改成了平底,可隨意把它直立或斜放在杯子裡泡茶。因茶葉格面積廣闊,特別適合泡花茶。

尺寸: 125 × 50 mm
物料: 304 不鏽鋼、食品級安全矽膠

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