OneSTEP x Dumo Reusable Short Umbrella Bag | OneSTEP x Dumo 可重用短遮袋


  • $88.00

This OneSTEP x Dumo Reusable Short Umbrella Bag is a cross-over product of OneSTEP and the local illustration brand

The creator of , Dr. Liyeung (Lucci) is a specialist in orthopedics. She has been devoted to animals and cartoon illustrations since her childhood, and hopes to use pictures of animals to deepen children's hygiene awareness and reduce their fear.

This OneSTEP x Dumo Reusable Short Umbrella Bag has incorporated the lovely Dumo onto the bag printing artwork. In rainy days, Dumo accompanies you to get rid of the disposable plastic waste. In addition to its artistic beauty, the umbrella bag comes with water-proof, water-absorbent and water-resistant features which keep you hassle free in rainy days. This shines your day in your trip!

【Product Specifications】

  • Size: 30 cm x 11 cm (suitable for umbrellas with a total length of 27cm and a circumference of 20cm after folding.)
  • Material: Waterproof layer on the outside, water-absorbing fibre on the inside
    (Colour of the actual product may slightly vary from the image)

【Product Features】

  • Water absorbent: Water absorption is 10 times than that of cotton, fiber evaporates quickly to prevent bacteria growth
  • Waterproof design: Waterproof outer layer and waterproof zip prevent excessive water from seeping through
  • Easy to clean: Hand wash or machine wash with a small amount of detergent
  • Easy to use: Unzip and zip to carry the wet umbrella
  • Durable: reusable and replaces disposable plastic bags

【Washing Precautions】

  • Do not wash with light coloured clothing.
  • Do not bleach.
  • Do not use softener.
  • Dry naturally.


    這OneSTEP x Dumo 可重用短遮袋是OneSTEP聯乘本地著名插畫品牌Dumo.art合作推出。 的創作者李揚立之(Lucci)是一位骨科專科醫生,自幼熱愛動物和卡通插畫,希望可以透過圖畫加深小朋友的衛生意識以減低恐懼。

    這個OneSTEP x Dumo 可重用短遮袋將可愛造型的Dumo加到遮袋上,和大家一起風雨同路,減少因使用塑膠遮袋而產生的即棄垃圾,這個遮袋具備隔水、吸水、防水的性能,即使天降大雨,也可以輕鬆把傘子收納,用它來實踐環保、走塑,更悠然自得!

    每購買一個OneSTEP x Dumo 環保短遮袋,OneSTEP便會捐贈 HKD$3 支持「國家地理學會」(The National Geographic Society) 保護處於瀕臨絕種或有生存風險物種的工作

    尺寸:30 cm x 11 cm (適用於市面普遍的折叠後全長27cm及周長20cm的雨傘)

    物料:外層防水布料,內裏吸水纖維 (實物與相片圖像或有輕微色差)

    • 吸水力高:吸水性是棉的10倍,而且快速蒸發,不易滋生細菌
    • 防水設計:外層採用防水物料製造,加上防水拉鏈,防止多餘的水滲出
    • 清洗方便:用清水或加入少量清潔劑即可,機洗亦可
    • 使用方便:半開放式拉鏈設計,簡單易用
    • 精致耐用:可重複使用並代替用完即棄的膠袋


    • 請不要與其他淺色衣物一起清洗
    • 請不要使用氯漂白劑
    • 請不要使用柔順劑
    • 請脫水後自然晾乾

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