Y ruler

Yuan Design Studio

  • $680.00

Y ruler - Unfolding Precision, Aesthetics & Versatility

A multi-functional Ruler, Set square, Compass and Protractor that Inspires Creativity.

Winner of iF Design Award 2024, Golden Pin Design Award 2023.

The concept of Y Ruler come from ancient brass goniometer. It is created to measure angle precisely and assist user to do sketching on drawing table professionally.

The fulcrum of a normal goniometer is made of a rotatable nail, it is easy to move around however hard to fix at certain point firmly. Yuan Design Studio re-designs the goniometer by adding a magnetic system in the ruler. Y Ruler is made of 2 main parts, protractor(body) and arm is engraved from same block of aluminum, light but strong, the magnets in Y Ruler stick the parts together. This design makes Y Ruler rotate smoothly and also stay firmly when user want to do drawing in certain angle. You will find well balance of movement when turning the protractor(body).

Moreover, a glass with engraved center point sit in the body of Y Ruler, allows user to mark their center point easily which a normal protractor couldn't do it. And the clear glass will not hinder users' sight while drawing.

One arm of Y Ruler is engraved with 12cm and 24 holes, while one is engraved 5inch. The arm design of Y Ruler allows user to measure and corner rounder 60mm - 290mm in diameter.

The simple design of Y ruler enhance the whole drawing experience for professionals. 


Size: 50x175mm


    Y Ruler - 展現精度、美觀性和多功能性


    榮獲 iF Design Award 2024, Golden Pin Design Award 2023.

    Y Ruler 的概念來源於古代黃銅測角儀。 Y Ruler 是為精確測量角度而設計的,讓您可專業地在本子或繪圖板上精準地繪圖。

    普通測角儀的支點是用一根可轉動的釘子做成的,移動起來很容易,但固定在某個點上卻很困難。 我們通過在Y尺中添加磁石系統來重新設計測角器。 Y Ruler 由 2 個主要部分組成,量角器(主體)和臂是由同一塊鋁雕刻而成,重量輕巧但堅固,Y Ruler 中的磁鐵將2件部件粘在一起。 這種設計使得Y尺旋轉順暢,並且在您想要以特定角度進行繪圖時也能保持穩固。 轉動量角器(主體)時,您會發現 Y Ruler 在轉動與靜止間手感有絕妙的平衡。

    此外,刻有中心點的玻璃位於 Y Ruler 主體中,讓您可以輕鬆標記他們的中心點,這是普通量角器無法做到的。 並且透明玻璃在繪圖時不會妨礙您的視線。

    Y Ruler 的其中一臂刻有 12 厘米和 24 個孔,而另一臂刻有 5 英寸。 Y Ruler 雙臂的設計不但可用作測量, 繪畫更可作為直徑為 60mm - 290mm 的圓角器。

    Y Ruler 的簡單設計提升了專業人士的整體繪圖體驗。


    尺寸: 50x175mm


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